I was on a roadtrip to Philadelphia late last year. Checked out of an overnight stay somewhere in the middle of East Nowhereville. Caffeination was in order. I pulled off into Hagerstown, Maryland, and found this cool little downtown place on Potomac Street called Cannon Coffee. Great coffee, nice vibe. I set up my ‘work from anywhere‘ station in a window. Had at it.
Life was good. Or as good as it gets when you find a sunny coffeeshop on a chilly autumnal day, at a place that’s cool with you sipping a cappuccino for hours on end at a window seat.
I glance up. A tall dude in a purple Raven’s cap appears right outside the coffeeshop window. He’s carting a skateboard.
I study him. Any excuse to look up from looking down at contract work is hard to avoid. I expect fireworks. Some Olympic level urban skateboard.
Show. Me. Your. Chops.
Skateboard Man!
And then—double-blam!!
But my man kept at it.
And at it.
And at it.
I will tell you something.
We can all learn from Skateboard Man.
And also this.
I love Skateboard Man.
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